union budget 2025-26 expectations
Sustainability is not just about compliance—it’s about competitiveness in a rapidly evolving global marketplace: Rajeev Singh of BenQ India
Budget 2025: Tax benefits for establishing authorised recycling facilities and investments in recycling technology could catalyse the development of a circular economy for electronics.
Innovative financing models can bridge this gap, making EVs affordable for a larger segment of the population: Abhinav Kalia of ARC Electric
Budget 2025: One of the barriers to EV adoption remains the high upfront cost of electric vehicles.
Sustainability requires a strategic shift from short-term cost considerations to long-term gains: Saarang Ganapathi of Embassy Services
Budget 2025: Allocating resources towards technology-driven solutions such as IoT-enabled waste monitoring and smart recycling infrastructure, we can enhance operational efficiency.
Need for more stringent policies to regulate waste management: Paresh Shetty of Arya Omnitalk
Budget 2025: Strategic investments and innovative policy frameworks can catalyse the transformation of India’s waste management ecosystem, aligning it with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)...